Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Summer Science Opportunities


Bro. Ben has recently sent out a letter listing opportunities to advance your knowledge in Science. Links are provided for you if you are interested in one or more of these opportunities!

Here is the letter from Bro. Ben:

St. Albert the Great, Patron of Natural Scientists…Pray for us!
February 25, 2014
Dear Parents and Students,
A few weeks ago Chaminade held its 44th Annual Science Fair.  What a great day! It was wonderful for me as a teacher and as the Science Department Chair to see such enthusiasm for science on all levels from freshmen through seniors.  Also a few weeks ago, Chaminade’s three Science Olympiad teams competed at the local Regional Competition.  Held at Kellenberg, Chaminade’s teams were pitted against some very tough competition.  Our best team, ‘Team A,’ placed 3rd out of 35 teams and thus qualified for the next level of competition, the New York State Science Olympiad Tournament, in mid-March.  A bit later on this year in late April Chaminade students will compete at the Long Island Regional Envirothon hoping to qualify for the New York State Envirothon in May.  Chaminade has had a number of students involved in research at North Shore-LIJ’s Feinstein Institute, Cold Spring Harbor Lab, Brookhaven National Lab, to name a few.  Many students participate in the Hospital Volunteers Program to get a taste of what the health care system is like.
Why do I mention all of this ‘science stuff?’ Simply put science and technology has been, continues to be, and will become an increasingly important part of the United States’ and the global economy.  I firmly believe that Chaminade students involved in all of the above-named activities will play an integral role in preserving our country’s place in the world as well as play a vital role in keeping the New York metro area the thriving hub it is.
Summer need not be a time when you forget about science until the next school year.  There are many interesting and exciting summer science programs available, some local and some quite distant.  I have listed a number of programs below.  It is not an exhaustive list.  However, as I receive information and discover additional programs I will update and revise this list.
To Chaminade students…if you have a strong interest in science and/or mathematics, I encourage you to pursue some sort of organized summer science program.  To Chaminade parents…if your son has a strong interest in these areas, I hope you will support him in his interest as best you can.
While a number of these programs are restricted to juniors or seniors, most of them are open to high school students of all ages.  It’s not too early to think about science in the summer! Some application deadlines are closer than others.
If you or your sons have any questions, please never hesitate to ask.
Bro. Benjamin F. Knapp, SM

Summer Science Programs (in no particular order)


1. North Shore-LIJ Hospital System – Feinstein Institute for Medical Research – Student Intern Programs     (Long Island)


2. Columbia University – Summer Programs for High School Students     (New York City)



3. The Whaling Museum of Cold Spring Harbor – research opportunities

            A ‘relationship’ with Chaminade is in the exploratory phase.  TBD


4. U. Penn Summer High School Programs     (Philadelphia area)


5. U. Penn Sumer Academy in Applied Science and Technology     (Philadelphia area)



6. DNA Learning Center at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory     (Long Island)



7. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Lab – Partners for the Future     (Long Island)

            - Nominations through Chaminade only.  You may pick up application/nomination materials from Bro. Benjamin.


8. Brookhaven National Lab – High School Research Program     (Long Island)


9. Brookhaven National Lab – Summer Science Explorations     (Long Island)


10. SUNY Stony Brook     (Long Island)

Stony Brook has so many offerings there are too many to list separately here.  The link below is the ‘home base’ for their high school summer science opportunities in addition to the high school research program.  The opportunities include laser research, biotechnology, physics, and research.     (Long Island)


11. Alfred University     (upstate New York, sort of close to Corning)



12. The Cooper Union – Summer STEM Program     (New York City)


11. Stevens Institute of Technology – The Stevens Summer.     (Hoboken, NJ)

            Stevens has so many offerings there are too many to list separately here.  The link below is the ‘home base’ for their high school summer science opportunities.


13.  Fordham University – Pre-College Program     (New York City)

            Fordham has so many offerings there are too many to list separately here.  The link below is the ‘home base’ for their high school summer science opportunities.


Continued on next page.


14. Shoals Marine Lab (cooperative venture between Cornell University and University of New Hampshire)

            The lab has a summer course open to juniors and seniors – Marine Environmental Science


15. Cornell University – Summer College

            Summer College at Cornell has a large number of program offerings.  The link below is the homepage for Summer College.



16. College of the Atlantic – Summer Field Experience for High School Students     (Bar Harbor, Maine)

            COA has three offerings at the link below.


17. Whale Camp     (Grand Manaan Island, Newfoundland)



18. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University     (Daytona Beach, Florida)

            Embry-Riddle has quite a few summer opportunities.  Use the link below.


19. Hofstra University – Pre-Collegiate Career Discovery: STEM     (Long Island)


20. Hofstra University Summer Camps – Learning Institute     (Long Island)


21. Adelphi University – Summer Pre-College Programs for High School Students     (Long Island)

            Adelphi has a number of offerings.  The two math and science offerings are for ‘Game Programming’ and for ‘Exploring the Health Sciences.’  Use the link below for the homepage.


22. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)     (Cambridge, Massachusetts)

            MIT has a few non-traditional programs for high school students.  The linked homepage below also lists quite a few non-MIT programs.


23. Joint Science Education Project (JSEP) – Arctic Consortium Research     (Greenland)

(Unfortunately registration is already closed for this free research opportunity; think about it for 2015)



24. Rensselaer Polytechnic University (RPI) - PREFACE Summer Program     (Troy, NY)